Your farm requires you to have several different machines on hand to take care of it properly. But farm equipment, like all heavy machinery, is quite expensive if purchased new. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to save yourself money: buy your equipment used! There are also some other advantages to buying used farm equipment, and we’ve outlined them below so you can learn why doing this might benefit you.

Save Money

The biggest perk to buying used farm equipment is that you’ll save yourself money. Due to the process of depreciation, used farm equipment will be much less expensive than a comparable new model. You can use this to your advantage and purchase a higher-quality machine used for less than you would normally spend on a lower-quality new model in some cases.

Reduce Waste

Worried about your impact on the environment? Because farm equipment is designed to last for many years, it’s very wasteful for people to continually buy new machines. New items use up a lot of materials and they require more time to manufacture, so by keeping older machines circulating, you’re doing your part to ensure that perfectly good used farm equipment doesn’t end up in a salvage yard.

Ready to pick up a piece of farm equipment? Stop by one of our dealership locations in Waynesboro or Everett, PA, to view our inventory of used farm equipment for sale. Stoneham's Motorsports is proud to serve our customers in the state of Pennsylvania.